Outreach at St. Peter's Episcopal Church
At St. Peter’s, we believe our faith in Jesus Christ calls us to actively engage with the world around us. Rooted in gratitude and compassion, our outreach efforts help address the needs of our local community and the wider world. We take to heart our baptismal vow to seek and serve Christ in all persons, as well as Christ’s commandment to love our neighbors as ourselves.
Outreach Ministries of St. Peter’s
Detention Center Ministry
Our ministry to the Lafayette County Detention Center includes weekly Centering Prayer with male inmates, weekly Bible study with female inmates, and operating the library within the jail.
Haven House Ministry
St. Peter’s members lead worship at Haven House on the 2nd and 5th Sundays of the month at 10:00 a.m.
Honduras Medical Mission
This diocesan-wide mission has for decades provided crucial medical, dental, and veterinary services, as well as education, infrastructure, and collaborative projects to communities in Honduras. St. Peter’s is serving as the HMM’s sponsoring parish for 2025 and 2026.
Little Dresses & Shorts
Seamstresses of all levels meet to sew dresses and shorts for girls and boys in need locally and around the world.
Love Packs Collection
A collection wagon is set up at St. Peter’s for Love Packs, whose mission is to provide supplemental food on weekends and holidays for school age children in need.
The Pantry of Oxford
One month each year, usually during April, St. Peter’s parishioners staff Oxford’s food bank.
Parchman Prison Ministry
On the 2nd Tuesday of the month, parishioners travel to the Mississippi State Penetientary at Parchman to visit and conduct a service with men housed there. A large group also travels to Parchman each Advent to offer a service of Lessons & Carols.
Recovery Communion & Dinner
In partnership with Oxford-University United Methodist Church, we offer a service of Holy Communion, followed by dinner, for those in or interested in recovery, as well as for loved ones of those who struggle with addiction. The service is held the 1st Tuesday of the month at 6:00 p.m. and alternates between OU and St. Peter’s.
Rise & Shine Community Breakfast
Volunteer cooks, servers, and setup and cleanup crews come together Monday and Thursday mornings to offer free breakfast to all-comers from 6:45 until 8:15 a.m.
Join Us in Sharing the
Love of Christ
Our commitment to outreach is not just a duty; it's a calling to follow Jesus Christ in making a meaningful impact on the lives of others. We believe in the power of compassion to transform our community and beyond. As we extend our hands in service, we invite you to join us on this incredible journey of faith in action.