Adult Formation
at St. Peter's Episcopal Church
At St. Peter’s, we believe that the relationship with God is a deliberate and lifelong journey of growth and discovery. We cherish the value of meaningful formation opportunities for individuals of all ages, and we are dedicated to creating safe spaces where we can collectively explore the profound questions that faith encompasses. Our diverse array of formation programs, offered on Sunday mornings, Wednesday nights, and throughout the week, are designed to foster connection, understanding, and spiritual growth.

Sunday Adult Offerings
Tychicus Bible Study
Following the 9:00 a.m. service, join in for a deep (but always accessible) dive into Holy Scripture.
Rector’s Forum
On many Sundays following the 9:00 a.m. service, presentations on various faith-related topics are offered by the rector or others.
Wednesday Evening Adult Offerings
A Service of Healing with the Holy Eucharist
Our 5:30 p.m. service includes renewal music and the sacramental rite of unction, anointing with oil and laying on hands by which God’s grace is given for the healing of spirit, mind, and body.
Connections (Women's Group)
This group of younger women (20s through 40s) meets during the school year to forge connection with one another by exploring various topics.
Dinner and Fellowship (Parish Hall)
From 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm, come together with fellow parishioners for dinner and fellowship.
Weekday Adult Offerings
Centering Prayer
Parishioners gather on Thursdays at 9:15 a.m. to discuss a short meditation then 20 minutes of silent prayer.
Contemplative Study Group
This group meets Thursdays at 10:00 a.m. to discuss the writings of Richard Rohr and other contemplatives.
Everyday Sisters
Every Thursday at 10 am, this group of women gathers for Bible and book study, fostering both spiritual growth and fellowship.
Tuesday Morning Bible Study
This clergy-led study meets at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesdays.
Writing in the Spirit
Writers of all skill levels meet on Mondays at 3:00 p.m. to write and share pieces inspired by a spiritual prompt.
We Want to Be Part of Your Journey
Discover a community that values your spiritual exploration and growth. For more information or to get involved, contact us. We look forward to walking alongside you on your journey of faith.