Rector Search Committee

David Krouse, Chair
James Dowd
Donna Gottshall
O’Keefe Graham
Jeremy Griffin
Liz Morris
Phillip O’Reilly
Campbell Smith
Catherine Smith
Kristen Walker (Senior Warden, non-voting)

A Message from David Krouse,
Rector Search Committee Chair

My Fellow Parishioners, 

First, I am honored and humbled to have been chosen to chair the search committee as we set out prayerfully to find our new rector at St Peter’s. The prayers, support, and well wishes you have given me have been overwhelming, and I can’t thank you enough.

More importantly, our senior warden, Kristen Walker; our junior warden, Travis Huebner; the vestry; and I are grateful to the large number of our parish family who submitted applications to join us on this journey. It is such a blessing to be part of such a loving and faithful community, and we are so thankful for your love and dedication to St. Peter’s and your willingness to serve in this way.  

That being said, after prayerful discussion with the selection committee and a unanimous vote by the vestry last night, I am pleased to announce the members of our 2024-25 rector search committee (above).

Please keep us in your prayers as we follow the direction of the Holy Spirit in our journey
together to find our new rector. 

Prayerfully yours,
David Krouse

A Message from Kristen Walker, Senior Warden

Dear St. Peter’s Family,

When Jody asked me if I could meet with him briefly after the Baddour Center Miracles concert in early May, I had no idea what was coming. When he started with, “Wow, this is harder than I thought,” my mind jumped from one imagined catastrophe to another. I never dreamed he would tell me that he had accepted a call at St. Paul’s in Mobile, but what I immediately said to him was, “What a tremendous opportunity for you. I’m so happy for you and your family, but I am sad for us!”

That announcement sent us on a trajectory that continues today—a trajectory I feel has been fully guided by the Holy Spirit. After the vestry accepted Jody’s resignation, I received the diocesan “search document” from Bp. Seage delineating our process of calling a new rector. Our first task: hire an interim rector. I hope all of you have had the opportunity to experience the enthusiasm, intelligence, and warmth of Christopher Powell. We are so blessed by his leadership and willingness to serve as our interim during this transition.

In one of our early conversations, Christopher suggested a potential search consultant. He described former Bishop of Chicago Jeff Lee as the smartest and kindest man to ever wear the collar. Bp. Lee wrote the curriculum that all newly consecrated bishops must complete and teaches part-time at Union Theological Seminary in New York. In the short time I have known him, I can tell you that he truly wants us to find the best fit for St. Peter’s. He really cares about shepherding us through this process—the Holy Spirit at work once again.

Our next task was to nominate a search committee chairperson. David Krouse was humbled and surprised, and feels blessed to have been approved by the vestry to fill that role. David is committed to the process, and I have no doubt that he will do his absolute best in leading our search committee in finding our next rector.

On August 6, the vestry approved our search committee. (We are grateful to all 42 parishioners who applied.) We are looking forward to a retreat led by Bishop Lee for both the vestry and committee members. As we begin our active search and over the coming months, please keep our vestry, search committee, and interim rector in your prayers. We are all committed to doing our best for St. Peter’s and your prayers and support always help!

I invite you to join in the search process by filling out the parish survey that will come out later this fall. Your answers will help create our parish profile that will tell the story of St. Peter’s to potential candidates. Your voice needs to be heard, so please take a few minutes to fill out the survey once it’s available. I also invite you, when asked, to submit names of any priests you think would be a great rector.

Finally, if you have not already done so, please consider making a pledge to the Built on the Rock capital campaign for our historic nave. Any money raised above the cost of restoring the nave will go to retiring our debt. We want to make St. Peter’s an easy choice for the right priest, and being clear of debt will certainly help us be more attractive!

I hope you and your loved ones enjoy this fall’s programming, and I hope you’ll come to church regularly to see old friends and meet new ones, and of course to deepen your relationship with God. Please reach out to me or any other vestry members with questions.

Grace and peace,